Sunday, January 24, 2010

Q&A No.1

Dear AK,

The following are suggestions from Mr. CS Soong.

"Just to add on to the question about the dialyser clotting problem-another option is pre clean cycle where the dialyser filled with disinfectant and allow to soak/dwell for about 2-3 hours before reconnect the dialyser to the reprocessor and complete the full reprocessing cycle. Other factors need to be considered and evaluated including:
1.)    Patient’s factor e.g Hct, infection, chronic liver disease.
2.)    Treatment factor e.g. type of dialyser, time, total fluid removal, etc.
3.)    Medication factor e.g. Digitalis, tetracycline, etc.
Sometimes prescription of oral anti coagulant may be helpful cardiprin or tab aspirin but need to discuss with their doctor first."

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