Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is "SOP"?

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a written document or instruction detailing all steps and activities of a process or procedure. It is used to ensure consistency and quality within the organisation and making sure the right people are trained for the job.

The said procedures should be carried out without modifications or changes to ensure uniformity in the expected outcome. Once the process and procedure in any SOP has been rigidly tested and audited then it can be set in place.

SOP is a useful tool to help manage the workplace and also an important tool in training staff, standardization and also sharing the best practices leading to a higher accreditation of the services rendered.

SOP should be regularly/periodically reviewed to assure compliance to regulatory requirements and best working practices. A review of SOP can be activated by changes of processes or procedures to ensure the maintenance of best practices protocol.

However, this can only be done after an internal audit and change control procedure has been initiated and the final test result meets the required standard.

It is pertinent that only relevant activities have SOPs. Like the old adage “too many cooks, spoil the soup”, therefore too many unnecessary SOPs may create unwarranted “red tapes” which can inevitably leads to restrictions and chaos, leading to decline in the standard of care and treatment outcome.

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