Friday, October 29, 2010

Letter by The President, Medico-Legal Society of Malaysia

Treat all patients equally

Letter to the Editor
Darryl S. C. Goon
President, Medico-Legal Society of Malaysia

The Sun ePaper

The Medico-Legal Society of Malaysia views with grave concern the report by the auditor-general of shoddy repairs and upgrading work in government clinics. Some of the shortcomings render the facilities unsafe for patients. There are others that are potential health hazards.

It is time for the government to extend the provisions of the Private Healthcare Facilities & Services Act 1998 (ACT 586) to government clinics and hospitals. This legislation sets out what are essentially the minimum acceptable standards to be expected from private healthcare facilities. The provisions are comprehensive.

Why are these minimum standards not required of government hospitals and medical clinics? One cannot countenance double standards in healthcare. It is urged that the government acknowledges that all patients, including those in government hospitals and medical and dental clinics, should be entitled to the benefits of the minimum standards imposed under the Act. While there may be practical problems these should not be allowed to impede an acceptance of the fact that minimum standards for medical and dental care must apply to all patients, whether in government hospitals or private hospitals, without discrimination.

The minimum standards may be brought into effect progressively. The first step is for the government to recognise that all patients are to be treated equally.

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