Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cefotaxime-heparin lock prophylaxis against hemodialysis catheter-related sepsis amongStaphylococcus aureus nasal carriers

1 Nephrology Division, Al-Rahba Hospital-Johns Hopkins Medicine International, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2 Department of Microbiology, King Fahad Hospital and Tertiary Care Center, Hofuf, Al-Hassa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
3 Nephrology Division, King Fahad Hospital and Tertiary Care Center, Hofuf, Al-Hassa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Family Medicine, King Fahad Hospital and Tertiary Care Center, Hofuf, Al-Hassa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriers undergoing hemodialysis (HD) through tunneled cuffed catheters (TCCs) form a high-risk group for the development of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) and ensuing morbidity. The efficacy of antibiotic-locks on the outcomes of TCCs among S. aureus nasal carriers has not been studied earlier. Persistent nasal carriage was defined by two or more positive cultures for methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) or methicillin-resistant (MRSA) S. aureus of five standardized nasal swabs taken from all the participants dialyzed at a large out-patient HD center affiliated to a tertiary care hospital. Of 218 participants, 82 S. aureus nasal carriers dialyzed through TCCs (n = 88) were identified through April 2005 to March 2006 and randomized to two groups. Group I comprised of 39 nasal carriers who had TCCs (n = 41) "locked" with cefotaxime/heparin while group II included 43 patients with TCCs (n = 47) filled with standard heparin. The CRBSI incidence and TCC survival at 365 days were statistically compared between the two groups. A significantly lower CRBSI incidence (1.47 vs. 3.44/1000 catheter-days, P <0.001) and higher infection-free TCC survival rates at 365 days (80.5 vs. 40.4%, P <0.0001) were observed in the cefotaxime group compared with the stan dard heparin group. However, no significant difference in MRSA-associated CRBSI incidence was observed between the two groups. Cefotaxime-heparin "locks" effectively reduced CRBSI-incidence associated with gram-positive cocci, including MSSA, among S. aureus nasal carriers. There remains a compelling requirement for antibiotic-locks effective against MRSA.

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